Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Simple Things

Remember when things were a lot simpler....when you didn't have to worry about much in life at all?? When I was a little kid I couldn't WAIT til friday! Not to go to the club, not for a hot date...but to kick it with my friends, take every single blanket, pillow and comforter out of the linen closet and build the BIGGEST DAMN FORT TO EVER HIT THE DEN! I think I had more fun watchin monster movies, scrambled porn and eatin junk food than I ever did sweatin' in some club. I guess when times change and you start getting into the opposite sex, your priorites change. But if you find the right girl that likes all that same stuff you used to do when you were a kid...you've found a gold mine!!! This clip sums up my childhood.....

1 comment:

Goddess said...

I love that commerical!!
And you right, when I was little Fridays mean't slumber parties, all day at the playgroundd on Saturdays with some of the coolest girls if I do say so myself!! Too funny! Thanks for taking me down memory lane!!